To implement the latest tech trends you need knowledgeable, trained professionals working in a company that offers the solutions for these areas of opportunity. If you’re a job seeker, you’ll want to be that professional in that company… 

Gartner’s identified tech trends

In their recent publication, Gartner listed out and discussed the “Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2021.” The nine trends Gartner addresses, in their words, “…highlight areas of opportunity and ways for organizations to differentiate themselves from competitors…Together they enable organizational plasticity that will help guide organizations in the next five years.”

Below, we’ve pulled the trends most relevant to Prolifics’ offerings, showing how we’re always on the cutting-edge with our people, processes and solutions.   

1) Gartner: Internet of Behaviors – “The Internet of Behaviors (IoB) captures the ‘digital dust’ of people’s lives from a variety of sources, and that information can be used by public or private entities to influence behavior. The data can come from a range of sources, from commercial customer data to social media…”

Prolifics: Process Mining – Every day a company’s customers generate a digital footprint when they interact with company systems. These digital footprints (Gartner’s “digital dust”) get captured in these systems, such as ERPs, CRMs, application databases, log files, audit tables, Excel documents and many others. Prolifics’ Process Mining shows how customer data moves through an organization – visualizing and diagraming the actual flow, including variations, exceptions, gaps and siloes. Process Mining lets a company know exactly what’s happening by using hard data – it is true customer input generated by the customers themselves. A company can generate fact-based customer journey maps, gaining greater insights and understanding of customers’ digital interactions, thereby helping to create a better customer experience.

Learn more: Process Mining and Customer Journey; Prolifics’ Ultimate Guide to Process Mining.

2) Gartner: Total experience – “Total experience combines traditionally siloed disciplines like multiexperience (MX), customer experience (CX), employee experience (EX) and user experience (UX), and links them to create a better overall experience for all parties…it offers an excellent opportunity to differentiate an organization from competitors.”

Prolifics: Integration and modernization – What we’ve seen with our retail customers is the need for their consumers’ “omnichannel experience” – a seamless, convenient and high-touch experience, happening wherever and whenever customers interact with the company brand, whether online, in-store, through mobile or calling in. Siloed, legacy systems cannot respond to these demands. Retailers were already painfully aware of that before the pandemic, which just accelerated the omnichannel need. Integrating a myriad of these systems means upgrading the on-prem and/or adding the latest cloud or hybrid cloud platforms to get the speed, flexibility and scalability companies need. Prolifics uses an iterative approach of integration patterns to transition between legacy and modern, creating quick early wins and a sustained, successful process.

Learn more: KNOW What Your Customers Need – BEFORE They Need It

3) Gartner: Distributed cloud – “Distributed cloud provides public cloud options to different physical locations. Essentially, the public cloud company maintains, operates and evolves the services, but physically executes at the point of need. This helps with latency issues, and also privacy regulations that require certain data to remain in a specific geographical location.”

Prolifics: Cloud expertise and premier partnerships – Prolifics has long partnered with IBM to leverage the IBM Cloud with Prolifics solutions, and we’ve been honored by IBM with various awards for this work. Coming later this year, Prolifics will work with IBM’s distributed cloud offering, IBM Cloud Satellite. It gives companies the ability to use IBM Cloud anywhere—on IBM Cloud, on-premises, or at the edge—delivered as-a-service from a single pane of glass controlled through the public cloud. With IBM Cloud Satellite, customers can gain the flexibility to run their applications where it makes sense while still leveraging all the security and ops benefits of public cloud.

Learn more: Prolifics and IBM Announce Cloud Paks Partnership

4) Gartner: AI engineering – “AI projects often fail due to issues with maintainability, scalability and governance. However, a robust AI engineering strategy will facilitate the performance, scalability, interpretability and reliability of AI models while delivering the full value of AI investments.”

Prolifics: Prolifics’ data science experts –Our experts help companies enact effective data science programs and processes through our holistic approach. We are vendor agnostic and work with a number of leading data science technology providers. We also offer our own solutions – most notably Data Science in a Box, a fully managed, turnkey offering that works across multiple technology platforms. Data Science in a Box creates clean, structured, and governed data from all the sources across your platforms.

Learn more: Data Science Teams Create Efficiencies…

5) Gartner: Hyperautomation – “It’s a process in which businesses automate as many business and IT processes as possible using tools like AI, machine learning, event-driven software, robotic process

automation, and other types of decision process and task automation tools.”

Prolifics: All types of automation expertise – Prolifics has all different levels of robotics (or automation) available to help businesses run smoother and employees to do more productive work. Robotic process automation (RPA) can run repetitive, mundane tasks 24 hours a day, quickly, with an extremely low error rate. Intelligent automation / hyperautomation can be used to gather information and make decisions. Artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) solutions can complete complex decision making on their own and look at large amounts of data, make connections, and generate insights better and quicker than a human worker ever could.

Learn more: What Robot Do You Need?

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